Our Story

A MUST READ!! ALL BLACK LEGENDS is an Amazing online apparel company that is dedicated to mending the relationships between the African American community, and all other communities: as well as dispersing more love between African Americans!

With that in mind we created a clothing brand of unique conversation pieces specifically designed to incite interaction between people of all different races! Imagine a Asian American coming out of Walmart wearing a shirt,or hoodie that says,”Asian American, Proud of it..who also loves black culture”!!!!

Our testimonials alone let us know that people wearing our apparel get stopped,complimented, picture requested, (and on one occasion invited out for drinks)…from people who under normal circumstances might not have spoken to them!

Our vision is creating conversation pieces(apparel) that are so amazing, they cause people to interact with each other, and generate new relationships. We honor black legends who laid the foundation of love and greatness in black Culture ; and to see other people and races supporting these legends …Means something!

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